Mr. Abdul- Rahman Musah an Aggrieved teacher trainee of Presbyterian College of Education in Akropong- Akuapem. Early this morning, released a statement on Facebook, WhatsApp and other social media platforms condemning alliance in the teacher trainee’s association of Ghana (TTAG) and how it hinders the progress of the association. Here is his statement;
Teacher Trainees’ Association of Ghana (TTAG) ever since its inception has stand to defend and uphold the issues of the teacher trainees’ fraternity. This bigger association which absorbs all the forty-six colleges of education in the country and seeks for it welfare is riddled with a loophole called “ALLIANCE”. This Alliance, drains competency for favouritism during elections.
The five administrative sectors; Ashanti and Brong-Ahafo (ASHBA), the three Northern Regions (ATTRICONS), Volta Region (VOLTA), Eastern and Greater Accra Regions (EGA), Western and Central Regions (WEC) which form TTAG are the patronisers of this alliance and this creep it way into the national association, TTAG.
This alliance is activated mostly on electing executives to man the association. It is aimed at winning political power without taking into consideration aspirants capabilities and their competencies. This is done when sectors merge and elect persons within their association who they think are capable to man sector or national vacant executive positions. Irrespective of the number of people within the sector who want to contest for a position, since the merged sectors have already chosen their favourite, it gag others from coming forward no matter their capabilities and this has been made to be the norm which shouldn’t be so.
If this alliance continues to persist in the association, viewing into the near future without measures put in place to halt it, the leadership of the association from sector to national will lose best prospect leaders to this alliance which will render TTAG ineffective.
I believe forming alliance to achieve a common purpose is good but in respect to using it in electing leaders should never be encouraged in the trainee fraternity.
Abdul-Rahman Musah,
Presbyterian College of Education, Akropong-Akuapem.